Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another Year Ends

It's that time of the year when you do a performance review and I am wondering how I fared. I hadn't written down my goals for 2008, but I guess I know what I wanted to achieve. Here goes in no particular order of importance -

Go back to pre-pregnancy weight of 52kg. Haha, Arya is now 10 yrs old and I am still hovering in the 58-60kg zone, so far away from my goal. So this is something which I definitely need to work on for 2009

Read more books. I fell woefully short of this too. I could not infact complete a couple of books that I had started. I didn't put a number on this. I can remember that I did manage to read Shobha De's Superstar India, infact I even went to the Book launch, but I couldn't make time to go to at least 2 more book launches that I did want to go to

Write. Again, as you can see on the blog, this is my first post of 2008. Yucks! Never thought I could get that lazy or that complacent. Watched a movie Ghajini where the protagonist suffers from short-term memory loss, and it actually inspired me to write my diary, this blog.

Dance - Ok this I did aplenty. I continued with the dance classes that I started last year, although the josh had died down quite a bit. My number of students have receeded too. But surprise surprise, it's Arya who wants to learn dance from me earnestly now. So I am going to definitely focus my energies on getting her to do more activities and regular dance practice

Keep in touch with the family - Yes, I have been hard at work, keeping in touch with all my family and with special emphasis on my parents. Papa had another heart attack this year, I know that's not good. I try to talk and chat with them as much as I can. Looking forward to the big family vacation when Yogita gets married May 23

Do more stuff with Arya - I don't think I can do enough with her. 2009 calls for more, after all she'll be a year older and many times smarter. Looking forward to more outings, library visits, dance classes, movies, the list goes on

Do more stuff with Kushal - I think we made progress this year. We have partied a lot, he's definitely more outgoing and finally planning vacations as well. I also discovered that I can bake :-) which means I can spend more time in the kitchen with him. As for photography, I continue to want to be in front of the camera rather than behind it. So I have to work quite a bit on that. He bought me a pink cybershot camera which is too cool.

Do more with Max - When Lorena told me a few days ago that she is going away, after she gets married, I realized how much Max is going to miss her. I have made up my mind to take him out for walks more often and give him a bath etc. Poor Max, I haven't spent much time with him at all.

Special wish for 2009 - Hope there's peace and goodwill everywhere. As for me, I want to continue to do my bit to help.